Ads are the one of the most important ways of earning money for Bloggers and websites. Although certain websites maintain a good ratio of content and ads on their websites, some of the websites will display too many ads leading to confusion among the users.

Consider a download niche website, we will see many buttons with the name “Download”, but among them only one button will be for download. It’s will be very difficult to find the actual download button.

Google had now introduced a better way to block reminder Ads. Reminder Ads are nothing but the Ads that will remind you of the website that you have recently visited. But the latest addition is that once you had blocked an ad on any platform, be it mobile or desktop etc the change will be applied to all the other platforms too. But, one pre condition is that User should be logged in all the platforms using the same gmail id.

This is really a superb feature and will help users to help block ads on different platforms at the same time.