Many people are earning their livelihood by making videos on Internet and YouTube is one of the most important platforms among them. But, Now a days we see that Facebook Timeline has more of videos rather than pics and status updates. This shows that Facebook is also concentrating on Videos these days.

So, While Creating Videos we have to add some Background music or songs to make the video more appealing and interesting. But, Now comes the difficult part, for adding a song we have to make our own song or we have to use old songs. But, if we use old songs as Background music, there is a chance of original owner issuing Copyright infringement notice.

Here is where Facebook is going to help you. Facebook is preparing a library of almost 1500 tunes according to genres where one can use them for free without any copyright infringement issues.We can use this Music in Videos for Facebook and Instagram.

Facebook is still setting up this music library and will be available to users in near future.