Early to Bed , Early to Rise.People used to follow this in olden days.Upon arrival of Computers, Mobile phones, Tablets and other electronic gadgets people are glued to gadget screens and not sleeping and thereby disturbing their sleep cycle and health.

But with effective use of technology and apps, we can make our sleep cycle better and thereby looking fresh the whole day and improving our health.


As most of the scientists say, Our sleep is a combination of many sleep cycles. One sleep cycle is a duration of about 90 mins. So, if you sleep for 6 hours your sleep cycle count is 4. Scientists advise our to not wakeup between the sleep cycles.So, It’s better to keep alarm after a complete sleep cycle has passed.


Not sure about when you want to wakeup so that you will have a refreshing sleep and be active the next day? Install this app and enter the time at which you are sleeping and it will show you the best possible times to wake up and make you fresh the next day.


This app is for people who snore a lot.We often don’t hear our snoring and it might be irritating when other people say we are snoring. Install this app and keep your mobile near you and it will record your snoring. This app will also have some effective tips which will help you to reduce the menace of snoring.


Scientists say after we close our eyes, it will take 14 minutes to enter deep sleep stage. But, it will be varied for different individuals. Install this app and you can listen to calm and peaceful music like that of a sea shore, water flow in a river that make you sleep as soon as you close your eyes.


There are people who takes power naps in afternoon when time permits. With this app, you will have 2 options : Normal sleep and Nap. If you select options according to your choice, accordingly music will be played so that you can go to sleep within a very short time.


If you have the habit of switching off the alarm or keeping the alarm in Snooze and sleeping again, then you must install this app. This app will have some mathematical calculations and if you enter the answer correctly, then only the alarm will be switched off. Doing mathematical calculations will activate your brain and thereby stopping you from sleeping again.

In addition to the above apps, smartscreens have blue light ejected from screens which will disturb your sleep cycle. So, Keep your mobile phone screen in night mode for better and quality sleep.