Now that Text messaging apps have made their way into everyone’s life , Texting and messaging has become an indispensable part of everyone’s life. So, There may be situations where you have to text while travelling, Eating and Walking etc. There is high probability of colliding with the person coming from your opposite or falling in pits on the road when we do text while walking. As always, Internet has a solution for this too.

Download this app Type While Walking and you can never collide with a person or fall in pits. With this app, you can text while camera is on and you can see what is there in the road.

The screen looks like this and we have options Copy and Send. With Copy Option, we can copy the text and paste wherever we want. With Send Option, we can directly send the message to our contacts.


In the bottom, we have 4 options.

1.History :

With History option, we can see the contacts to whom we have recently texted.

2.Options :

In Options, we have different options available like Torch, Native Keypad, Speech to Text, Camera Off, Share App etc and the terms are self explanatory.


3. Share:

Now comes the most useful option i.e Share. We can’t type everytime in this app and copy the content to wherever we want. As most of us type primarily for social media, this app has social media integration too. Just Type on this app and share it on varied platforms like Facebook,Twitter, WhatsApp etc.


4. Settings : 

In Settings, we can customise the app according to our wish. We have the facility to change the font, change the background and options like Shake and Launch application, key sound and Enable Notification.


In this way, with Type while walking app We can type while walking without colliding with anyone and falling in pits, potholes on road.